I have been designing e-commerce websites for about, close to 7 years now, and have absolutely lost count on how many I have guided and completed along the way. I’ve worked on Love Bonito, when they were first starting up, moving from Livejournal to a self-hosted E-commerce site, Bag Charm Love, Lloola Shoes, Olette Lingerie, The Out Post Trading Co., Gymsportz, Ooma.sg and more. And it’s amazing to see how the e-commerce scene has grown in Singapore. Online stores have grown so successful, they now have their own brick-and-mortar store!
So how do you increase your site’s popularity?
- Good Design – You must think this is a given, but a lot of people totally underestimate how important it is to have a good design. Good design gives good first impressions – good first impressions leads to sales, because you look professional and legitimate. With current events, buyers are getting more cautious of fraud sites, it gets more and more important to portray a legitimate business front .
- Good Content – Make sure you have all your legal, privacy policy and terms & conditions pages set up properly. Even though most of us don’t read it (honest truth), it feels good there is actually one in place.
- Good Marketing – This goes hand in hand with good design. Humans are naturally attracted to beautiful things. There is no point investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in marketing with Google or Facebook, when you have an ugly banner to go with it. An amazing banner design should be part of your marketing, or it will all go to waste.
So now, you have some people buying from your store. How do you make them buy more?
- Cross-selling – offer 3 or 4 complementary products that would go together with the main product they are looking at.
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- Upselling – Suggest other products they might be interested in, before they checkout their cart
- Free Delivery with a certain amount – This will prompt customers to fill up their carts to the brim so they can enjoy free delivery! They might even ask their friends if they would like to share carts, and that’s free promotion for you too!
The result? Average cart size increase of 16%, 56% more time spent on the site, and a 116% increase in products viewed.
You will be amazed at the number of tips and tricks we have under our sleeves, that’ll help you increase your sales!